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Nils Melzer Report

DEADLINE:  November 25, 2019

This request does not ask for individuals to reply, it asks for civil society which we are. CitizensAHT will be preparing a report on psychological torture of TI's to send to Mr. Melzer. Please send any comments you have on your torture to and they will be incorporated into our report on your behalf.

Examples of civil society groups. Civil society is made of the organizations that are not related to the government or businesses. Civil society can also be called the civil sector. Civil society provides a community with volunteers and donation activities, such as homeless shelters, scout groups, and food banks.

Nils Melzer is a Swiss academic, author and practitioner in the field of international law. Since 1 November 2016, Melzer has been serving as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Psychological torture. Psychological torture is a type of torture that relies primarily on psychological effects, and only secondarily on any physical harm inflicted. Although not all psychological torture involves the use of physical violence, there is a continuum between psychological torture and physical torture.


Call for submissions on Psychological Torture and Ill-Treatment


The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CIDTP), Nils Melzer, has decided to focus his next thematic report on "Psychological Torture and Ill-Treatment” The report will be submitted to the Human Rights Council in March 2020.


In this context, the Special Rapporteur will welcome all relevant submissions that Member States, UN Agencies, civil society and academia may wish to transmit on the thematic of Psychological Torture and Ill-Treatment. [TI's or ordinary persons are not mentioned here.]


Please complete the questionnaire and send your submissions to: . None of the responses will be attributed to their authors or considered to reflect the official position of the State or institution in question.


Deadline for Submissions: 25 November 2019


Here's the problem:  The United Nations is the New World Order. The Torture and Kill program we are in was conceived and implemented by them.  Who does Nils Melzer work for? the UN or victims? Can the ordinary person who only has the experience of torture answer questions of law on this questionnaire?  The questionnaire looks difficult for the ordinary TI to respond to, but if you do fill it out, just do your best. Try to be as factual as possible. Leave out personal anecdotes, foul language, name calling and personal diatribes.The first question seems to be the most street friendly:


1. Concepts, definitions and constitutive elements
a) What type of conduct (including acts and/or omissions) should the notion of “psychological torture/CIDTP” be understood to comprise?
b) What determines the “psychological” character of torture/CIDTP?
i. infliction of mental or emotional pain or suffering;
ii. absence of physical pain or suffering;
iii. targeting specifically of the mind and the emotions through the infliction of any type of pain or suffering;
iv. other criteria (please explain)…
c) What, if any, is the purpose or added value of distinguishing between “psychological” vs. “physical” torture/CIDTP?
d) Please describe various ways, if any, in which “psychological” vs. “physical” aspects of torture/CIDTP interact in practice and provide illustrative examples.
e) How can legitimate methods of non-coercive interviewing, including investigative use of psychology be best distinguished from psychological torture/CIDTP?


Part of psychological torture is that our ideas of ourselves and how we think of ourselves and how others think of us is completely changed. Torture changes people. Physical torture creates a memory which is psychological torture, so it would be hard to distinguish between psychological torture and physical torture-derived psychological changes. You could experience psychological torture if someone told you were going to die in a week. You could experience psychological torture from knowing, expecting a new implant or injection every month. The two are very intertwined.


For example:  We are the radiated.  We are the stalked.  We are the patients who can't get medical care. We are the rejected by family, friends and neighbors, everyone in fact. Identity is permanent because there appears to be no time limit on our torture, in fact, from what we see, it is until the death they choose. This forces the target to identify differently personally and socially. This is a psychological change which forces us to identify with a specific circle of society - other targets - also assaulted, burned, implanted, tracked like animals (psychological torture in itself - being followed endlessly, no privacy). In other words, the subject of psychological torture is quite complex in our case because our lives are totally changed, owned by others, controlled by others, the unseen, an enemy we cannot see or fight.


Here are some thoughts:


1.   We are tread upon with crime and the assigned keepers of law in our society are with the criminals, in fact, organize and dispatch the criminals. We have to psychologically accept that we have been ousted from normal society. We have no protectors, although we have done nothing criminal and have not been accused of anything criminal. This is loaded with other issues.


2. Our privacy is totally eclipsed by overwhelming surveillance in every cell of our bodies to our trip to the grocery store or international travel. Every heart beat, every time we urinate or have sex, every time we breathe to every time we cry or get angry. We lose part of our humanity if we do not have private time, private space, private thoughts, private moving about from place to place. The placement of electronic tracking devices and sensors throughout our body monitor and control us. This is loaded with other issues.


3. Our jobs are sabotaged. We cannot earn a living. We become dependent on family. We become a burden to society. We become homeless. This is a psychological torture because we know we are fully functioning, honest, hard working people who just told the truth. We are whistleblowers. We are tortured endlessly by trying to convince people in our families that we are even in this program. This is loaded with other issues.


When you start considering the numerous issues involved in psychological control, torture, change - you realize the entire program has a big psychological component.

Who is Nils Melzer?

Book Targeted Killing.jpg

1. Googled Nils Melzer.  Nils Melzer is a Swiss academic, author and practitioner in the field of international law. Since November 1, 2016, Melzer has been serving as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


2. A rapporteur is a person who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings. The term is a French-derived word.  Special Rapporteurs ("SRs") are independent experts appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council with the mandate to monitor, advise and publicly report on human rights situations in specific countries and on human rights violations worldwide. The functions of Special Rapporteurs include responding to individual complaints, conducting studies, providing advice on technical cooperation and undertaking country visits to assess specific human rights situations. Most Special Rapporteurs also receive information on specific allegations of human rights violations and send urgent appeals or letters of allegation to governments asking for clarification and concrete measures to end rights violations. Special Rapporteurs nonetheless serve in their personal capacity, and do not receive salaries or any other financial retribution for their work. The SRs are expected to fulfill tasks that are outlined in specific U.N. resolutions, but their independent status is crucial for them to be able to fulfill their functions in all impartiality.


2. Wikipedia Nils Melzer.He is Professor of International Law at the University of Glasgow, and also holds the Human Rights Chair at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Switzerland, where he has been teaching since 2009, including as the Swiss Chair of International Humanitarian Law (2011–2013). Melzer has previously served for 12 years with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as Delegate, Deputy Head of Delegation and Legal Adviser in various zones of conflict and violence. After leaving the ICRC, Melzer held academic positions as Research Director of the Swiss Competence Centre on Human Rights (University of Zürich), as Senior Fellow and Senior Advisor on Emerging Security Challenges (Geneva Centre for Security Policy) and at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. He has also served as Senior Adviser for Security Policy at the Political Directorate of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Melzer has written several books, including: Targeted Killing in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2008), the ICRC's Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities (ICRC, 2009) and the ICRC's Handbook International Humanitarian Law - a Comprehensive Introduction (ICRC, 2016). He is also a co-author of the NATO CCDCOE Tallinn Manual on the International Law applicable to Cyber Warfare (Cambridge, 2013), and of the NATO MCDC Policy Guidance: Autonomy in Defence Systems, (NATO ACT, 2014)


3.  Book on Amazon (used $40 with shipping).  This book conducts an in-depth analysis into the lawfulness of State-sponsored targeted killings under international human rights and humanitarian law. It also addresses the relevance of the law of inter-state force to targeted killings, and the interrelation of the various normative frameworks which may simultaneously apply to operations involving the intentional use of lethal force. Through a comprehensive analysis of treaties, custom, and general principles of law in light of jurisprudence, doctrine, and travaux preparatoires the author demonstrates that contemporary international law provides two distinct normative paradigms which govern the use of lethal force in law enforcement and in the conduct of hostilities. Based on the resulting normative paradigms, the author shows in what circumstances targeted killings may be considered as internationally lawful. The practical relevance of the various conditions and modalities is illustrated by reference to concrete examples of targeted killing from recent State practice. In essence the book argues that any targeted killing not directed against a legitimate military target remains subject to the law enforcement paradigm, which imposes extensive restraints on the practice. Even under the paradigm of hostilities, no person can be lawfully liquidated without further considerations. As a form of individualized or surgical warfare, the method of targeted killing requires a 'microscopic' interpretation of the law regulating the conduct of hostilities which leads to nuanced results. The author concludes by highlighting and comparing the main areas of concern arising with regard to State-sponsored targeted killing under each normative paradigm and by placing the results of the analysis in the wider context of the rule of law.


4. Article shows he supports Julian Assange: UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer Becomes One of Assange's Most Vocal Advocates, by Jimmysllama, Mintpress News, June 19, 2019

“Here [in Assange’s case] we are not speaking of prosecution but of persecution. That means that judicial power, institutions and proceedings are being deliberately abused for ulterior motives.” — Nils Melzer


5. Article shows he's being attacked:  UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer replies to feminist legal critics on Assange, by Laura Tiernanan, July 5, 2019.  UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer has issued an open letter, refuting accusations that his defence of Julian Assange against state-orchestrated rape allegations has cast “serious doubt as to his ability and willingness to deal with gender-based crimes.” 

A group of feminist academics and human rights experts published an open letter against Melzer on July 1.

Framed as a response to his June 26 opinion piece, “Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange,” the open letter was a barely concealed threat made against Melzer’s job as UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It was addressed to the UN high commissioner for human rights, its deputy high commissioner and the Coordination Committee of UN Special Procedures.

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